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Search engines and social networks make it difficult to disappear from the Internet, because their business model is essentially focused on commercializing your personal data. Therefore, it is not in their interest for you to find a way to delete any of your presence on the network. Despite this, there are three steps you can take to gradually remove any mention of your name in cyberspace.
How many accounts do you currently manage? If you are an average Internet user, you probably manage a minimum of 10 accounts. We often don’t even remember how many platforms we have signed up for.
The first step to eliminate your digital footprint and disappear from the Internet is to close absolutely all your accounts. To find the accounts you have, with a certain email, you can resort to services such as Just Delete Me or Account Killer. In this way, one by one, you will be closing the digital services in which you signed up.
To be absolutely sure of disappearing from the Internet, you can also enter your name in different search engines. With the results you get you will be able to identify other platforms where you appear. Access them and close your account.
Among the first accounts you should delete are those of social networks. Of any kind, both general ones, such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and specialized ones, such as LinkedIn. It is key that you not only close your account, but that you delete it completely from all platforms.
Companies such as Meta, Twitter or Google will resist closing accounts, so finding where to do the deletion is not as simple as opening the account. But with patience and some tutorials you will find a way. Once your account has been deleted, at least in theory, social networks will no longer be able to use your personal information.
Virtual private networks (VPNs) help us to maintain anonymity when surfing the Internet. Therefore, a fundamental step in your goal of eliminating your digital footprint is to install a VPN. Once you have done this, always keep it activated. This way you will not be tracked.
Over time, when search engine spiders can no longer find your social network accounts, nor can they find your email, nor can websites store your cookies, then you will notice that you will slowly disappear from the Internet.
The law firm Caporaso & Partners has specialized staff that can help you disappear from the Internet or recover your online reputation. Contact us.